
Showing posts from January, 2021

Social Class and Cultural Diveristy

 Culture influences families and families influence culture, but what is culture?   Culture is an adopted set of rules or norms that influence the way we act.  It can be traditions, principles, and ideas that contribute to a group of people. Different behaviors are acceptable in different cultures. Cheek kisses are a common greeting around the world, but I did not grow up with that so the first time someone gave me a big hug and a kiss for each cheek, it caught me off guard! After a couple months, I couldn't imagine greeting someone any other way.  I have had the opportunity to learn about different cultures from around the world and within my own country. One of my biggest learning experiences has been getting married. When two families merge, sometimes a new culture is formed or compromises are made.  I'm not trying to rag on my husband, but he rarely helps make or clean up dinner. In my family we all pitch in, it is expected, but somehow when he liv...

Don't believe everything you read.

Have you ever heard the statistic that %50 of married couples in the US get divorced? This statistic came from a single study and has happened to catch on as a popular statistic. This happens quite often, especially as we believe what we want to hear.  So, how do you know if it is true? You must first come into it with an opened mind. A biased question leads one to a biased answer. There are many components leading to reliable information. A refutable study samples from a wide variety and has comparison groups.  For example, there are many studies searching for an answer to how same-sex couple marriages effect their children as compared to those brought up in a home by a mother and father. I do not wish to debate this topic, but to use it as an example. To find reliable information from this study, one must make sure that the information has come from a wide sampling. If a study were to be done only on white couples, the results would be biased and inaccurate. The same could b...

What does family mean to you?

 We are creatures of habit, we crave companionship and care whether we like it or not. Can you imagine your whole life surrounded by strangers? We need intimacy. I'm not talking sex, I am referring to love, care, affection, and attachment. This feelings can be towards friends, relatives, lovers...  This loneliness is cured by surrounding ourselves with those we share intimacy. This is most often our family. It saddens me that I see the importance of family decreasing around me. What are some current trends regarding marriage, having children, and families?  According to Ben Steverman "Why You're Being Invited to Fewer Weddings", " Fewer Americans are getting married, and the ones who still are have scaled back their weddings." Does this mean that weddings are becoming less important? It is becoming more common to remain in a relationship without marrying and people are having less children, if any. This results in the decreasing amount of the "typical f...

This is me

  Cristen Gunnell. I am starting this blog for my family relations class. I hope to cover many topics that can help a wide variety of people. Feel free to comment and keep the discussion going!