Don't believe everything you read.

Have you ever heard the statistic that %50 of married couples in the US get divorced? This statistic came from a single study and has happened to catch on as a popular statistic. This happens quite often, especially as we believe what we want to hear. 

So, how do you know if it is true? You must first come into it with an opened mind. A biased question leads one to a biased answer. There are many components leading to reliable information. A refutable study samples from a wide variety and has comparison groups. 

For example, there are many studies searching for an answer to how same-sex couple marriages effect their children as compared to those brought up in a home by a mother and father. I do not wish to debate this topic, but to use it as an example. To find reliable information from this study, one must make sure that the information has come from a wide sampling. If a study were to be done only on white couples, the results would be biased and inaccurate. The same could be said of a study done only on same-sex couples, lacking to compare heterosexual couples, then claim to have results based on both. 

Correlation is not causation.

We must take in all information with a grain of salt. 

What variables influence the effectiveness of the family?

            Do members contribute to or detract from the family meeting its needs and purposes?

            Income levels, employment, education, and other factors of parents make a difference as well. 

What are some of the purposes of family?

            To support each individual member, to learn, uplift, provide a safe place, and grow closer to Christ. What are some purposes you have seen in your own family? 

Mine brings me great joy. I have moved away from home 4 years ago and since then my appreciation has grown. As I see less of my family, every time I spend with them is more special. I can tell how I come away feeling joy and having experienced much laughter. I am very lucky that we get a long quite well and our senses of humor build off one another. 

My sister and I are closest in age and we do many silly things together. everyone needs someone like her in their life! We can be ourselves when we are together, we share opinions when we don't agree and we give each other advice or a listening ear. 

This week I hope to instill the importance of looking into what you believe before you believe it. There have been many times I heard something that seems true, but after research may not be so. For example, I enjoy scrolling through Pinterest. Often while doing so I see many items of clothing that I like. There is often a price on these images and if I like it, I may click on it. Let's say the price on a cute dress says it's only $9.99! Once I open it I see there is a $5.00 shipping and handling fee, then $1.99 in taxes and some other fees. This good deal has turned into something just out of my price range, so I don't buy it. I am grateful that I saw those extra numbers or information before deciding to purchase or believe it. 

Some things to look forward to on my blog about families are culture, gender, and marriage preparation. Instead of delving into one specific topic, I am touching on many related items. It is greatly appreciated for anyone to add comments! I am fully aware that there are many points of view other than my own that will build upon what I have already written. I may even tend to misspeak and need correction which I am grateful for. Please, keep your comments appropriate and welcoming all the same, thank you. 


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