
Showing posts from March, 2021

Just keep the kid alive

  If you Google “How to raise a child” you will only get 685,000,000 results . There are lists and articles and blogs and books. There are endless amounts of information opinions on the best or only way to take car of kids. What is the purpose of parenting? -       Become more like Heavenly Father -       Teach children right from wrong/ become Christlike -       Learn unconditional love -       Humbling experience, get outside of yourself and help others -       Help children grow and prepare them for the world/ being on their own Most of these answers are either beneficial to the child and the parent. The experience if beneficial for both parties. Children have needs, Rachel Hollis, an amazing author, reminded women that they are doing enough if the baby is alive and they are alive. “Is the  baby  still  alive ? Awesome. How ...

Get to work

  “ Family work is thus humbling work, helping us to acknowledge our unavoidable interdependence; encouraging (even requiring) us to sacrifice “self” for the good of the whole.” How much did you hate chores as a kid? We had a small garden that needed frequent weeding and picking throughout the summer. Once we moved to a new house that needed a lot of yardwork so that summer was full of weeding a steep hill and putting down bark. My parents have a boat which means we get to have lots of fun, but it also requires lots of work to keep it in good condition. We strongly believe that everyone pitches in. With dinner we each tackle a dish and help set up and wash dishes after. Chores and work can be annoying, but this brings families together. It gives families time together, they learn to bless each other and others, and new talents can be discovered. For example, in the endless weeding previously mentioned, I discovered a unique tale...


  The other night I asked my husband a question and he responded with a normal answer in a bit of an angry tone. I was a little surprised, not knowing what I did wrong. I approached him and asked, “Are you mad at me?” He said no, and of course I did not believe him, so I probed a little more. I discovered that he was telling the truth, his tone had come from being upset that the light bulb by the front door had just burnt out! Imagine what had happened if I had not simply asked. I probably would have spent the entire evening feeling upset and confused.             Communication is so important in all relationships! Communication consists of about %14 of the words we use, %35 of our tone, and %51 is nonverbal. Nonverbal can include our stance, if we make eye contact, and our facial expression. There can often be a discrepancy between what you say and what they understand. (...

Feeling stressed?

  “ Stress  is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous.  Stress  is your body's reaction to a challenge or demand. In short bursts,  stress  can be positive, such as when it helps you avoid danger or meet a deadline.” ( ) What are some sources of stress?             crisis, stressor events, drug/ alcohol abuse, violence, abuse…             Possible stressors: losing a job, losing family member, moving, abandonment, pay bills, health, divorce, abuse… problems from within the Family are harder to deal with There are internal and external stresses. Sometimes stress strengthens families, what is the difference? For example, financial stress can teach youn...