Be true


*disclaimer- If I refer to “the opposite sex/ gender” I mean “the sex/ gender you are attracted to”. I do not mean to offend in any way.

If I say “spouse” this can mean any partner or person you are in a serious relationship with


What is fidelity? Fidelity is simply being true. According to Google it is, “faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support


I am going to make an assumption that most of us who are in serious relationships, mainly marriages, do not want to be cheated on and in turn do not have plans to cheat. You may think you would never cheat and you know your spouse is loyal to you. No matter what, we need to be on guard.

God loves us and our families, but what is good without bad? Satan is trying his hardest to break apart families because he knows just how important they are! There are many things we can do to prevent this from happening.

First, we need to understand what the possibilities are. One of the biggest things that can break apart couples is pornography. Porn attacks us emotionally and physical. It put images and expectations in our minds that our partners cannot live up to.

I am not just talking about X-rated movies, there are different types of pornography. Many movies show relationships in a way that simply does not happen in real life, especially sexually. They often portray both partners enjoying sex and climaxing at the same time and in the same way, that is not how it works. Books can even seem innocent and music! But basically, anything that gives us unrealistic expectations will damage a future relationship.

Comparison is the thief of joy.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Some other ways that cheating can happen is forming emotional connections with others. It may start off as a work friend, you complain about your boss. This can lead to complaining about your spouses to one another and talking about very personal things. The emotional connection most often turns physical.

I am not trying to be dramatic and say if you talk to a coworker of the opposite sex that you will cheat on your spouse, but this is where boundaries need to be made.

How to build the nice, white, picket fence around your relationship. Be your spouse’s BFF, they are your number one. Do not complain about your spouse to others. If you are having problems in your relationship take it up with the person you are having the problems with!

Avoid being alone with someone of the opposite sex for a long time on purpose, even messaging repeatedly can form an unintended bond. Any divided loyalties will cause rifts in a relationship.

Most importantly, avoid all forms of pornography, I repeat, all forms. This one is plain and simple


A popular parable describes the story of a king seeking out a chariot driver. He tested three drivers by having them drive a dangerous cliffside course. The first went as fast as he could and as close to the edge as possible to prove his skill. The second drove normal and the third was extremely cautious, staying as far from the drop off as possible. The third was hired because of his care and safety. This is how we should treat our relationships, stay as far from anything that could cause harm as possible.

Lastly, IF there is infidelity, you can still save your marriage.


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