
Showing posts from February, 2021

Be true

  *disclaimer- If I refer to “the opposite sex/ gender” I mean “the sex/ gender you are attracted to”. I do not mean to offend in any way. If I say “spouse” this can mean any partner or person you are in a serious relationship with   What is fidelity? Fidelity is simply being true. According to Google it is, “faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support ”   I am going to make an assumption that most of us who are in serious relationships, mainly marriages, do not want to be cheated on and in turn do not have plans to cheat. You may think you would never cheat and you know your spouse is loyal to you. No matter what, we need to be on guard. God loves us and our families, but what is good without bad? Satan is trying his hardest to break apart families because he knows just how important they are! There are many things we can do to prevent this from happening. First...


  What transitions occur when a couple is married?      Some main transitions include the wedding, initial marriage, introduction of children, and inclusion of additional children. Some that I would add to this list include the decision to have children, buying your first home, moving, and retiring.       Marriage introducing a new intimacy than any other relationship. Even couples who have previously lived together note a difference after marriage.   Why do people get married? Tax benefits, love, a need for intimacy's, social expectations, what do you think? My husband and I were married last April, 2020. We had a very unique COVID-wedding.       Our experience was unique because we probably planned about five different weddings as plans and regulations were constantly changing and impossible to predict. We ended up having a small ceremony followed by a drive-by hello from close friends. It was definitely not the Pin...

What is love?

 First of all, love is not what we see in T.V. I am talking not about the love we have for a car or food, but for another person. In Greek there are four different types of love;  Storge: between parents and children Philia: between friends Eros: men and women Agape: independent of feelings Love is crucial for our well-being, we all need it. It is more than just passion. When one "falls in love" they can just as easily fall out. Love is intentional. John Van Epp teaches the relationship attachment model (RAM).  Following this model provides protection in relationships. For more information, read his book "How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk".  Together + talk + time = knowing, and it takes three months to even begin to know someone. It is also important to know someone in many different situations. Know them in different seasons, over summer break and when you're in school. Know them with strangers and friends. I strongly believe it is so important to...

We are different

 I believe that men and women are different. God did that on purpose. He created Adam and Eve! Everyone has special skills that contribute to our world, all together we are the human population. Imagine how boring it would be if we were all exactly the same! To start on a funny note, here is an inaccurate graphic: I know this isn't really how it is, but it is pretty funny. Scientifically, male and female brains are actually different! This can be seen from a young age. As girls and boys play together, it is common to see the boys rough housing while the girls play nicely.  Does gender matter? What do you think? I say yes, gender is a part of who we are!    " In His grand design, when God first created man, He created duality of the sexes. The ennobling expression of that duality is found in marriage. One individual is complementary to the other. As Paul stated, 'Neither is the man without the woman, n...