Be true
*disclaimer- If I refer to “the opposite sex/ gender” I mean “the sex/ gender you are attracted to”. I do not mean to offend in any way. If I say “spouse” this can mean any partner or person you are in a serious relationship with What is fidelity? Fidelity is simply being true. According to Google it is, “faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support ” I am going to make an assumption that most of us who are in serious relationships, mainly marriages, do not want to be cheated on and in turn do not have plans to cheat. You may think you would never cheat and you know your spouse is loyal to you. No matter what, we need to be on guard. God loves us and our families, but what is good without bad? Satan is trying his hardest to break apart families because he knows just how important they are! There are many things we can do to prevent this from happening. First...